
Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Simplifying in 2015

When my son was an infant, we were constantly washing bottles. Constantly. Sometimes we'd fall short of our duties and frantically wash a bottle while he was screaming hysterically.

My husband finally said, "why don't we buy another set of bottles?"

It was one of those lightbulb moments. Of course, more bottles. Why were we making things so hard on ourselves?

Our 2015 resolution is to continue to simply. Should I cook a multi-course fish feast for Christmas Eve? No, we should go out, as we did for Thanksgiving (a gloriously easy and lovely treat for this toddler-mamma.) Should we go shopping in stores for holiday presents? No, we should order online. Should I go to the post office to mail my ebay sales? No, I should order the postage through the website.

We can't throw an endless pile of money at every problem, but we can spend money wisely to make our lives easier. After all, more nap time while we're sick or tired will help us to be more efficient workers at other times. It is all about taking care of ourselves and each other in order to be better people, parents, teachers, writers and researchers.

What will this look like in 2015? It will all depend on what comes up, but I'm sure we can use our exhaustion-blurry minds to think of ways to approach our days simply.

Happy New Year!

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