
Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Are you writing?

A writer asked me recently if I'm writing.

"Suuurre," I answered, drawing the word out. I have enough projects moving forward that I could talk about something. It could sound like I'm writing. I've been thinking about writing, commenting on student work and picking out children's books for my son at the library. Those are all writing-related activities, right? Suuurre.

But have I sat down in the last week or so and written a new poem? Edited an older poem? Submitted a poem? Read an (adult) poetry book?

Well, no. I have not done any of those things.

I want to do those things. But there are endless excuses: Grading! House hunting! Taking on new writing coach clients! Cleaning! Food shopping! Laundry! More cleaning! Paying quarterly taxes! Weaning our son off the bottle (a second time)! Taking our son to the doctor! Making dinner! More food shopping and cleaning! Afternoon napping after being woken up with our son at night!

And the excuses continue like that. I have my writing-to-do list so that I can use short periods of time to complete a task. Instead, have I been catching up on Game of Thrones during lunch? Have I been shopping online for a booster seat for our son? As the bambino would say with both jazz hands extended, "YES!"

If I were poet Leah Umansky, I might write a poem about Game of Thrones. But I'm not. I just watch the show, talk to my husband about it and forget about it. And I keep window shopping online as I look for sales.

That's it. Today is June 2. It is time to focus and write this summer.

Good vibes to all the writers balancing work, family life and writing. And please send some my way. (When you have time.)

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