
Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Fall Reading List?

I've been trying to find time to finish reading a book about toddler sleep. I'd have more time if the bambino slept more. Perhaps he'd sleep more if I could glean some tips from this book I can't seem to finish reading, Dr. Karp's he Happiest Baby Guide to Great Sleep: Simple Solutions for Kids from Birth to 5 Years.

I have a pile of books that I want to read, but time is short and I'm tired. At this point in the hormonal journey of pregnancy (my son is almost 15 months old), I doubt I can blame any kind of "pregnancy brain." But I can blame exhaustion. I want to keep up with the newest - and oldest - poetry collections, but I read a few lines and have to keep rereading them.

I have been having more luck with fiction, maybe because missing a line or two doesn't derail the entire, tiny piece, as it would in a poem? That's not fair to fiction, which can be expertly crafted, but that's my current experience. Of course the book I'm reading, or trying to read, right now has multiple perspectives and I continue to be confused by who the current narrator is. Perhaps this is a time in my life for a more traditional text.

That said, live readings have been a joy. I'm able to focus since I've carved out (and caffeinated for) a period of time to listen and be present. Luckily, fall is the time of some great literature festivals. I hope to see you at some of them! And I hope to return to my pile of library books before the last renewal ends.

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