
Monday, April 15, 2013

ZZZZ.... Sleepy

This pregnancy is exhausting. Maybe they all are. Besides starting with a general-exhaustion baseline, I haven't had a good night's sleep in some time. As my doctor once said sweetly, "Pregnancy sucks sometimes." There are, however, some remedies for my sleepless complaints:

I wake up 3 - 5 times a night to go to the bathroom (a common pregnancy complaint). Sometimes I'm also thirsty or hungry. I can usually fall back asleep, but not always. I try not to eat or drink too much before going to sleep, but of course drink lots of water throughout the day. People keep saying that this schedule will prepare me for motherhood, but I think starting motherhood well-rested would be preferable. Keeping the lights dim when I get up (and avoiding checking my iPhone) helps me to go back to sleep. When I can't sleep, I give in and wake up. I do a few things or read for a while and then go back to sleep later. That's not ideal, but I'm trying to make the best of it. (I am finally catching up on my New Yorker magazines.)

I have crazy, hormone-fueled dreams that seem to integrate everyone I've ever met, every scary movie I've ever seen and every worry I've ever had. I try to see them as fodder for future (odd) poems and think about something else. The other night I cleared a ballroom after standing on a table and announcing that the host tried to kill my husband. I was waving a spear and took out the host's guards. (Too much Buffy the Vampire Slayer before bed.)

My back and hips gave me some trouble before pregnancy and they continue to ache during pregnancy. I've found some relief with a foam top on the mattress and sleeping with a body pillow and other pillows around me. Pregnant women should sleep on their side and these pillows help to keep me propped up. My doctor also recommended prenatal massage and Icy Hot Naturals (of course, check with your doctor before using any prescription or over the counter medication.)

I've read that babies can't regulate their temperature well, but sometimes pregnant women can't, either. I'm pretty sure that my non-breathable-pillow-cage contributes to the heat. We keep the temperature fairly cool at home to help. (The other night my husband noticed that my glasses were fogged because I was generating so much heat.)

Of course I look forward to meeting the baby and falling in love. I also look forward to sleeping on my back or stomach, even for the short periods in which s/he is sleeping, too. I'm sure my husband is looking forward to a more regular temperature in the house and less pillows. (In fact, before I realized that the temperature was a pregnancy issue, I kept moving the thermostat dial up and down. He thought that perhaps the heat was broken since the temperature was always changing. That's when I realized it was me.)

How have / did you make yourself more comfortable when you were pregnant?

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